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The Legend of Dragoon WalkthroughChapter One: The Serdian Warby Lassarina Aoibhell Table of Contents Part I: Seles Items Found: Burn Out After the opening cinema and the scene with Feyrbrand, the Green Tusked Dragon, you will enter the ravaged village of Seles. An ! will appear, prompting you to jump over the fence (press X). You will fight two Knights of Sandora. They are easy enemies, particularly if you are able to complete the Double Slash Addition. There is a Burn Out in the chest. After you retrieve that, go in search of Plos, the mayor. You will fight two more Knights of Sandora and a Knight Commander. Kill the Knights first, then take their commander out. You will win two Healing Potions and a Burn Out. After the battle, head up to speak to Master Tasman. If you think your playing skills are shaky, agree to fight him. He'll teach you some of the basics of the game. (This is Sony's cop-off of Square's in-game tutorial.) Before you leave the village, check the tombstones. One of them has a Stardust hidden on it. This stone will become rather important in the later parts of this game. Having gotten the Stardust, make sure your fighting skills are up to par, and battle with Master Tasman if you need to. When you're ready, leave Seles and head to the forest. Part II: Rescue Shana Items Found: Healing Potion, Charm Potion, 20G (x3), Burn Out (x2), Angel's Prayer (x2), Leather Jacket, 50G, Spark Net, Key to Shana's Cell (Key) Enter the forest. There is a merchant above you and to the left. He will explain some of the basics of shopping, if you need him to, and using Items. He will also sell you items. Having concluded your business with him, head upward. Where the two paths come together, follow the downward fork for a Burn Out. In the next screen, climb up the tree trunk. There is a treasure chest with a Charm Potion near the top of the screen. In the next screen, go around the bend of the path you find yourself on. The path immediately below you leads to 20G. From the chest, take the upper path to get to a four-way crossroad. There, take the southwest path for a Burn Out. Go back to the crossroad and take the northwest path to leave. Go down the next tree trunk and you will see a brief memory sequence. In the next screen, just follow the path. You will be back on the world map. Head for Hellena Prison and save outside! Once there, hop on the merchant's cart by pressing the X button when the ! appears. When you hop off, there will be a save point. Head up to get a Burn Out. Head out the door to your left. Go right and up the path, then up the ladder. In the next screen, head down the path to the save point. Head into the door to get into the guards' barracks. Here you will find an Angel's Prayer, a Leather Jacket, and 50G. (Those guards must be paid well for what they do, considering the scarcity of money in this game.) Head back out and take the elevator up. Go into the door on your left and you will meet the Knights of Basil. Lavitz will join you. Behind the gate in this room is a skeleton . . . poor thing. Head left, staying on the outer part of the circle. The first cell door in the second room will yield you a small amount of information and a Spark Net. In the next cell, hop on the boxes to reach a treasure chest with 20G. Don't ask me how a prisoner in Hellena managed to hide away 20G, because I don't know. Keep heading left. You can leave this area of the prison where blue light shines through a gap in the outer wall. Fight the Warden and take the elevator up. Check the door to the right, and you will find out that it is locked. Well, where there is a lock, there is generally a key. (Unless you're traveling with Locke Cole of FF6, in which case you pick the lock. ^_^) Head left and go up the steps to your immediate left. Cross the bridge and examine the sparkle on the box. Guess what? It's a key! Go back to the locked door and open it. Once inside, head left. The first cell yields 20G. Then fight the three guards. After you find Shana, equip her with a Leather Jacket. Head to the left and into a cell for 20G. Keep heading left. As before, the way out is where you see blue light through the gap in the wall. Take the two elevators down and save. Head right and speak with your old buddy the merchant again. As you try to leave, the Head Warden Freugel and his goons decide that they don't like that idea too much. Boss Fight: Freugel (Earth), 2 Head Wardens (Fire), 2 Senior Wardens (Fire) Equip the Knight Shield to Shana, because like her physical attacks, her defense is nonexistent. Escape Hellena and enter the grassland. A few idiots will chase you and get distracted by a squirrel. That is the last you will see of them. After the guards leave, take the northwest path to see a river, which you cannot jump across. Head back and take the southwest path. You will find a cabin. After the flashback, you may use the chair to recover your HP if you need to. Now head to the left and examine the tree. Head back to the shack and wander about until you find an axe. Go back to the tree and hack it down. Go back to the river and you can cross it. In the next screen, head up to get an Angel's Prayer. Talk to the Serdian family, and head north to leave. Part III: Journey to Bale Items Found: Detonate Rock, 20G, Bastard Sword, Total Vanishing, Body Purifier (x2), 100G, Angel's Prayer, Burn Out, Poison Guard, Spark Net, Charm Potion, Bandana, Healing Potion, 50G Enter the cave. The chest to your left contains a Detonate Rock. Slide down the waterfall to get 20G. Go back up and press left HARD on your control pad/analog stick all the way down the slide to get a Bastard Sword. Now hop across the rocks to get a moment of minor drama, a Total Vanishing, and a Body Purifier. In the next area, head up for 100G. Go back and check out the yellow floaty things for a) an example of the thoughtlessness of men and b) some healing. Since you are at a recovery point, you may as well level up. There is a Burn Out above the Rock Fireflies, and an Angel's Prayer to the right of it. You'll probably want to be at about level 6 or 7 (for all your characters) before you face the boss of the cave. In this game, it's a really good practice to level up at recovery points, because there is no such thing as the Tents I remember so fondly from Final Fantasy. Anyway, once you're sufficiently leveled up, head down and through the little pools of water. Head straight up and find a rat-like creature that jumps from rock to rock. Chase it until you touch it. It will jump to a far rock. Jump to that rock and it disappears, leaving behind a Poison Guard that will be invaluable very soon. Equip the Poison Guard to Dart. There is a Spark Net in the other chest. Head back into the previous room and down for a Charm Potion, then head to the right. Save. There is a Body Purifier in the left chest and a Bandana to the right. Now prepare to meet the boss of the cave. By the way, if you happened to win any other Poison Guards from the creatures in this cave, equip the first one to Albert. If you have one left over, stick it on Shana, or leave her with the Knight Shield. Boss Fight: Urobulos (Earth)This boss is not too difficult. Just smack him around with Additions. When you get him down into the red HPs, he will slide into crevices in the rock, and your attacks will not be able to reach him. Have Shana attack with her bow and arrow, and have Dart and Albert use Dark Mists (which you may have won from the Orc enemies), Spark Nets, and Burn Outs. Urobulos will be dead in no time, and you'll get a Wargod's Amulet for your trouble. Head out of the cave. In the next room, the treasure chest to the right is a Healing Potion. Just before you exit the cave, there is another chest, again on the right, containing 50G. Part IV: Bale Items Found: Lavitz' Portrait (key), 50G, Sparkle Arrow, 50G, 100G, Active Ring, Bottle of Spirits (key, costs 100G), 20G (x3), Healing Breeze When you enter Bale, go into the first door on the left to get Lavitz' Portrait from a love-struck artist girl. There's 50G in the chest by the door. When you visit the shops, DO NOT buy a Sparkle Arrow. In the Weapon Shop, check the spears for a Stardust. There is another Stardust in the well outside Lavitz' house. Now head to the castle. Head up to the area like a red circle. There is another Stardust in the fireplace. (Strange place for it . . . but you'll find a lot of Stardust in fireplaces. Goddess only knows why.) Now go up the stairs. In the left-hand room is 50G. Go down the ladder in the north, then down the next ladder and turn the wheel. Climb back up. Now head up the stairs. Check out the alcove where the woman in white is moving around. Near the window, there is a Stardust. In the right-hand room is 100G. Now check out the southwest alcove. Go across the bridge and down the ladder for an Active Ring. Go back and head up the central stairs to meet King Albert. Head outside to see Shana. After you speak to her, go find the bar in Bale (it's right by the Inn.) Purchase a bottle of spirits. (No, you cannot drink it. Sorry.) Leave the bar and go down the steps, then under the fountain. Give the booze to Dran and he will get out of your way. Head past him and up the stairs. See where the river is? Behind the wall north of it, there is a tiny alcove to the right. The treasure chest there has 20G in it. Head down the north tunnel (the eastern one is a dead end) and climb the ladder. The treasure chest to your right has 20G. Go back down the ladder and hop into the boat. You'll float past the drunken Dran. When given a choice, hop off the boat and go through the door. Check the barrels against the northern wall for a Stardust. Head back to your boat and hop out again when it docks. Now it's time to visit Lavitz's house, but if you wish, you may want to stop by the Library and learn a bit more about the world. The Library is in the area behind the Weapon Shop. The clinic, should you need to be treated, is also there. Once in Lavitz' house, you'll see a conversation. Head to the kitchen and check the spice cabinet for a Stardust. There's 20G in the room next to the kitchen. Have a nice meal, and before you leave, head back onto the roof. Head across to the stable loft. Whenever Dart starts to tilt, hit the X button as fast as you can and keep doing it until he regains his balance. You get a nice Healing Breeze for your trouble. Now you can finally get out of Dodge--uh, I mean, Bale. By the way, you should now have 7 Stardust. Part V: Hoax Items Found: Angel's Prayer, Healing Potion, 20G By now, you should have mastered both Dart's and Lavitz's first Additions. I have Volcano at level 3 and Spinning Cane at level 1 right now. (I tend to master my Additions in order, lowest to highest, because that way it's easier for me to keep track. It's your choice, of course, but you have to master all the basic Additions to get the powerful final Additions.) All that aside, head for the town of Hoax and save outside. There is a treasure chest with an Angel's Prayer in the Inn. Speak to Kaiser of the Eighth Knighthood, and he will tell you to check out the town. Head up the stairs to the left of the headquarters into the building on the left for a Stardust. (Hint: Check the fireplace in the basement!) Head across the "boardwalk" and down the stairs for a Healing Potion. In the attic of the next house, you can find 20G. Speak to Midwife Gilda to get a bit of gossip, and an interesting reaction from Shana! (A lady after my own heart--especially if you know my YaHell Chat characters!) Head back to the headquarters and search the bottom left of the room for another Stardust. Then speak to Kaiser and Lavitz. Head for your guard post. (It seems to me that Kaiser's soldiers are too trusting) You'll fight some Sandora Soldiers. Run up to meet the Dark Elite. After you lop off half of his HP, he'll divide himself into 3 shapes. Wait and see which one uses magic. That's the true Dark Elite. Or, you can hit them one at a time until he curses at you and becomes one form again. He may divide again, so beware. After you finish this battle, you're immediately flung into a boss battle with the Giganto Kongol. Boss: Kongol (Earth) Part VI: The Marshland Fort Items Found: Sun Rhapsody (x2), Spirit Potion, Healing Potion, Lance Head straight north as you enter the Marshland. Head across the stepping stones. You will fight plenty of Sandora Soldiers. Just keep beating them up, you will eventually kill them. They come in pairs: one Fire-elemental and one Water-elemental. If you like, you can retreat before you fight the final one, and keep returning to get more and more experience. (The soldiers regenerate if you run away!) By the way, the challenges and counterchallenges are mildly amusing, if only because they are so cliché. Finally, you'll get a last battle: a commander and two soldiers. They are wusses and pathetically easy to beat. (If this is all Sandora has to offer, no wonder they need a dragon!) You'll win an Attack Ball from them. The treasure chest contains a Sun Rhapsody. Enter the fortress to find a Spirit Potion, a Healing Potion, a Stardust, and a Sun Rhapsody. There is a Lance outside the back door for Lavitz. Now head toward Volcano Villude. Use the tree roots to reach the next area. Hop in the boat. Head down to get a Burn Out, then down again for a Body Purifier. Head left from here for a Stun Guard and the Magic Stone of Signet. Return to the boat. Now head up twice, then get off. Head up for a Spirit Potion. Return to your boat and go to the right, then get off to continue. By now, incidentally, you should have 10 Stardust. Part VII: Volcano Villude Items Found: Spear Frost, Mind Purifier, Panic Guard, Sapphire Pin, 50G Start by heading straight, then go left. The first treasure chest holds a Spear Frost. Hop across the rock bridge in the next screen to get a Mind Purifier. At the fork in the road, head right for a Panic Guard. The left fork takes you deeper into the volcano. USE the Save Point--you're about to meet two bosses. Move through the lava room by hopping across rocks, but watch out for the leaping fish. If you hit one, you'll have to fight it. When Shana runs off, follow her to meet your next boss fight. Boss: Virage (Void) Boss: Fire Bird (Fire) Part VIII: The Dragon's Nest Items Found: Chain Mail, Bravery Amulet, Spirit Potion, Body Purifier, Mind Purifier Follow the path to the Nest of the Dragon and save outside. Head straight up in the first area. Head down, then right, after the scene with Shana. Hop across the stones at the !. In the next map, head down, then across, then down for a Chain Mail. Head back and across the stone, then step on the large spiderweb. You will, in technical terms, "faw down go boom." The water near you is a recovery pool. You'll want to level up in this area, since you have a means of free recovery right there. Anyway, head up and climb the spike. Head up and to the left, then down to the next spike. Head down and to a hidden door on the left, then follow the path for a Bravery Amulet. Head back to the place where your little side path meets the main one. Go down, and then up the spike. Touch the plant to get a Spirit Potion from the chest to your right. Head up and touch the next plant to clear the way to the save point. Jump into the hole above you (on the left) for a Body Purifier. Head down and around to the other hole. Head up, and at the "Y," take the left fork for a Mind Purifier. Head back up the right fork of the "Y." Save and level up, using the recovery pool to heal yourself. I had Dart and Rose at Dragoon Level 2, and everyone else at Level 10, for the next boss. When you're ready to move on, head along the path below and to the right of the save point. Go down and walk into the door on your right. Follow the two horseshoe curves, and then go up the spike and head left. Touch the plant and head back to the save point. The path leading to the next area will be clear. Boss: Feyrbrand and Greham (Wind) Part IX: Lohan Items Found: 200G, 100G, Water Bottle (Key) When you enter the town, you'll automatically go to the clinic. It seems we are in need of some Dragoni Plant. Exiting the clinic, go to the door to your immediate right. Here, you will find 200 G. Go back outside and up the steps, then into the Inn (it has a blue door) to rest or save. Enter the bottom-left house (with a green door.) Check the gray rectangle on the bookshelf, then climb down the new ladder. There is a Stardust in the fireplace. Head back up and depart from this house. Head down to the next screen. The green door is an Item Shop. The red door above you is a kick-ass Weapon Shop. Note the Legend Casque that the guy is offering--you will probably want at least one for the final battle, but you can always come back. Just keep it in mind and save your money. Anyway, head across the bridge and through the blue door--Dabas' Antiques Shop! Enjoy the scene. Afterward, head back into the shop. Go up the ladders until you see a suite of armor. It contains a Stardust. Now head back across the bridge and down the stairs. Talk to the vendor in green. Bargain with him until he gives you the Water Bottle for free. Head right for two screens after concluding your deal. Here you will find 100 G and a Stardust in the basket. Head down, then left. Find the guard in blue and check the crockery near him for yet another Stardust. (This should make 14.) Now we head out and back to the Dragon's Nest. Part X: Life Water and Shirley's Shrine Items Found: Life Water (Key), 20G (x7), Demon Stiletto, Healing Breeze In the Dragon's Nest, hop down into the large hole and walk down. Make your way through the maze to the Life Water pool. (If you want, level up and earn some gold here.) Head back to where you fought Feyrbrand and Greham. Climb up and walk to the right. Hop down, then jump across the stones. Go down. In the next screen, head up. Pour the water on the plant and move on. You'll reach Shirley's Shrine. There will be a treasure chest above you--head around the L-shaped path to reach it. But what's this? A smart-ass message instead of a treasure? Yeah, I'll show them! Just keep going through the covered arch. Head to the right. Read all the signs, and note the one that says "Statue Facing Left." The chest below you is empty. Up the stairs is yet another empty chest. Head back through the archway and read all three signs. Then head "north" and through the left-hand door. Go down across the wooden bridge and check out the big gold wheel. Hop across the stones for yet another empty chest? UGH! This is like the Phoenix Cave from Final Fantasy VI! Go back to the main room and through the north door. Go up both flights of steps and examine the altar. You will see that you need three numbers. Head up the stairs to your right, then head left. Check the treasure chest and PAY ATTENTION during the mad ride to get the three numbers. I will NOT list them here. You'll be dumped into the water by the entrance. If you didn't note the numbers, you'll have to take the trip again. Head back to the main room and enter the first door on the left. Hop across the stones to the gold statue and read "Statue Facing Front." Hmmm... Go back to the main room and to out the north door. Return to the altar and enter the three-number code you got. Go up the stairs and then climb the ladder. Examine the golden statue and turn it to the front. Check the other, and set it to face to the left. Go up and save at the save point to your right. (It's a bit difficult to see because of all the white stone.) The treasure chest to your left is empty. Head north. Boss: Drake (Wind) Part XI: The Hero Match Go to the clinic and retrieve Shana. Head down to where the street vendor is (ya know, the crazy guy you got the water bottle from) and to the right. Enter the tent and head right. See the awning? Talk to the woman there. Head down the stairs to the left to start the match. Talk to Haschel. When you're ready, speak to the man in green to begin the match. First Round: Gorgaga (Void) Second Round: Serfius (Fire) Third Round: Danton (Earth) Fourth Round: Atlow (Dark) Fifth Round: Lloyd (Void) Speak to Rose and Shana after the match with Lloyd (head toward the entrance to find them.) After a bit of a pathetic scene between Rose and Lavitz, wander around the fair. Play the games if you wish (the obstacle course is a trip!) Speak to Lavitz when you wish to leave. Stay at the Inn to restore your HP, then attempt to leave Lohan. After receiving some rather startling news, make sure your eqiupment is top-notch before heading back to Hellena. Part XII: Hellena Again Items Found: Thunderbolt, Silver Embroidered Vest, Pandemonium, Felt Hat, Therapy Ring, Leather Armor, Healing Potion, Sachet There's a shortcut to Hellena (thankfully)--follow the road east of Lohan. Enter Hellena and head left into the next room. Take the elevator up. Head left into the next room. Take the elevator up. Get off when given the choice and head left into the first door. Take the elevator for a Thunderbolt. Take the broken ladder to your right to get a Silver Embroidered Vest. Take the next ladder to your right to get down. Take the far left door and go up for a Pandemonium. Jump to the far right to get a Felt Hat and a Therapy Ring. Go back to the area with four doors and take the middle right door. Climb the ladder and head left for a Leather Armor. Go back down and take the elevator up. There is a Healing Potion to your left. Go south to the room with all the guards. After you "faw down go boom," grab the treasure chest and speak to Shana. Boss: Jiango (Earth) Boss: Freugal (Earth), Guftas (Dark), Rodriguez (Wind) Part XIII: Black Castle Items Found: Attack Ball, Twister Glaive, 20 G, Spark Net, Dark Mist, Trans Light, Red Stone (Key), Blue Stone (key), Beast Fang, Yellow Stone (Key), Spirit Ring, Spear Frost, Spinning Gale Leave Seles and head for the forest. Cut through it and head for the Black Castle (between Hellena and Lohan.) Go into the first door on the left and search the two barrels for Stardust. Leave and go into the opposite door (the first on the right.) Talk to the guy at the counter and register. You will receive 100 G. Go up the ladder. There is an Attack Ball in the treasure chest, and a Stardust to the left of the chest. Back on the street, the second left-hand door is an Inn. The second right-hand door contains a Twister Glaive, which you DEFINITELY want. The third left-hand door contains only people, and the third right-hand door is a weapon shop. Search to the left of the counter for a Stardust. Leave the shop and head "north" twice. Head to the first door below you and check the bookshelf for a Stardust. Walk to the left and go down the ladder. The right door is an Items Shop. Talk to the guy at the clinic—he runs a fake weapon shop. Whoo-hoo....yeah, pretty pathetic. The barrels behind the round table hide yet another Stardust. Head left to a cluster of three barrels for another Stardust. Leave and enter the left-hand door. Talk to the kid, choosing the third choice, then the second, then the third. Save at the save point, then follow Popo when ready. Climb down the first long rope for 20G. Go back up and take the farthest-right pole, then go all the way right and down again. Go all the way left, then down. Go right and up the ladders. In this next area, you can fight guards if they see you--which is a great way to build experience. The first chest contains a Spark Net. Keep heading left and go down the ladder. Fight the two guards. Head north, then right. Talk to the researchers by visiting the flames. You will get magic oil and the white flame will restore you if you feel it necessary. Head to the elevator at the right and use the magic oil to activate it. (You have an infinite supply, as near as I can tell.) Talk to the researchers and use the elevator at the left. Avoid the rocks. If you do get hit, there's a Dark Mist and Trans Light below you. Use the ladder to get back. An easy way to avoid the rocks is to let them all fall, then weave your path through them--you should have time before they get dumped. Get the Red Stone from the chest and head back across, then up. Take the elevator at the right, and then head left. Take the left-hand elevator in the room where two guards are guarding an elevator. Head down and fight the guard, then head left. Talk to the researcher. After he gets done playing about, take the blue stone from the chest and leave. Take the elevator down and fight the two guards, then take the north-end elevator. Head right. You will meet a merchant. The room above her holds a Beast Fang. Keep going to the right. Take the elevator up and fight the Knights. Take the next elevator and talk to the guy, who will give you the Yellow Stone. Take the elevator down and head to the right. Fight the Knight. Go up the stairs and head right to fight the Elite. Take the next door to the right and use the second switch to activate the cable car. There's a Spirit Ring and a Spear Frost in the chests. Take the cable car back and take the elevator down. Go to the right for a Spinning Gale. Take the elevator back up and head left and down the stairs. Take the elevator down, then head left and take the elevator up. Take it again to the fourth floor. Go north. Talk to the man in red and SAVE! Use your three stones as follows in the triangle: Red, top; Yellow, left; blue, right. Go through the door and fight Kongol. Boss: Kongol (Earth) Boss: Emperor Doel (Thunder) Go On to Chapter Two: Platinum Shadow Back to the Index for this Walkthrough Lassarina Aoibhell's Contributor Page The RPG Place is copyright Lassarina Aoibhell, 1998-2012. The games featured on this site are copyright the companies who made them and the webmaster is in no way affiliated with these companies or games. All original work on this site, however--guides, reviews, fanfiction, etc--is copyright its author and may not be posted without the author's permission; refer to the recent Supreme Court decision about electronic publishing of news articles without the journalist's consent. If you would like to use material from this site, please contact the author of the material in question. |