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The Legend of Dragoon Walkthrough

Chapter Two: Platinum Shadow

by Lassarina Aoibhell

Table of Contents
Part I: Fletz
Part II: The Barrens
Part III: Donau, the Flower City
Part IV: Fletz, Take Two
Part V: The Valley of Corrupted Gravity
Part VI: Defeat the Gehrich Gang
Part VII: Loose Ends
Part VIII: Bandits Afoot Again
Part IX: Queen Fury
Part X: The Phantom Ship
Part XI: Lidiera
Part XII: Fueno
Part XIII: The Prison Island

Part I: Fletz

Items: Physical Ring & Amulet [in exchange for Stardust]
Shops: Weapons, Items, Accessories, Inn
Stardust: 5

Check out the bridge for a brief scene. Go across and up the stairs. Look in the crates in the hallway for a Stardust. Talk to the girl in yellow. Head back across the bridge and into the shop at the upper part of the screen. In the box of weapons you'll find another Stardust. Leave the shop and head up. In the first shop to your left, you will find Stardust in the barrel of colorful gems at the bottom of the screen. Leave the shop and see the scene with Princess Emille. Enter the next shop up (the Items shop) and investigate the upper part of the screen for another Stardust. Head to the far north end of town and speak to the guard. Go back to the bar and talk to Kaffi (the chick in yellow.) Having talked to her, head to the house north of the Inn and speak to Fester. Go up and take a peek at The Moon That Never Sets if you wish. Leave and head across the bridge. Find the house that has chairs and a table on the roof, and go inside. Speak to Nello about the Green Project. In the morning, go back to the bar and talk to Martel. She'll trade you a Physical Ring and an Amulet for your Stardust. If you like, check out the planetarium for a chuckle, then leave and head to the Barrens.

Part II: The Barrens

Items: Warrior Dress, Total Vanishing, Recovery Ball

Take the right-hand path to get a Warrior Dress. Then take the left path and go around the loop.

Boss: Mappi (Dark); Crafty Thief x2 (Dark)
Just keep hitting them with Additions. After a rather...unexpected event, you'll get a Total Vanishing. Take the right-hand fork in the path (the left leads you to a place you'll spend MORE than enough time in. Don't drive yourself crazy now.) In the next screen, take the left-hand arch to get a Recovery Ball. Head up and take the center arch for 50 G, then use the left-hand arch to leave.

Part III: Donau, the Flower City

Items: None
Shops: Inn, Weapons, Items, Clinic
Stardust: 2

After the cinema scene, enter the first house on the right and speak to Kate. Outside, the north door is a church, where you can learn a little. The door to the left of the church is an Inn. Go right and up the stairs. The door to teh left is a Clinic, and the door to the north is a Weapons and Items shop. Go back down to the main area (outside Kate's house and the church.) See the two blue pools? Examine the upper one for a Stardust. Now head left and go up the stairs to the Mayor's house. Before you leave, check the sink for a Stardust. Then you'll meet Meru. Unfortunately (in my opinion at least) you have to bring her along. Head out of Donau and back to Fletz via the Barrens.

Part IV: Fletz, Take Two

Items: None
Shops: See above
Stardust: 3

To the left of bridge, climb up the steps to the top of the house (NOT Nello's house) for a Stardust. Go toward the palace and speak with the guard. Now we get to stalk an astronomer. Go to the Item Shop and talk to Fester. Go north to the marketplace (where you saw Princess Emille before) and talk to him again. Follow him up to the palace and keep following him until he wanders off without you. Go back to the first room you entered in the palace and check the suit of armor by the Save Point for a Stardust. You might also wish to save. Start to leave the castle. After your conversation with Princess Lisa, speak with Libria. The dinner is, ah, interesteing. Then speak to your party members. In the morning, head down, then to the right once you are out on the balcony. Go through the door at the bottom of the tower and search the left side of the room for yet another Stardust. You should now have 29 of them. Head back to the Barrens. This time however, where you took the right-hand fork to Donau before, you want to take the left-hand fork. Prepare to be frustrated out of your mind.

Part V: The Valley of Corrupted Gravity

Items: Sachet, Speed Up, Meteor Fall, Talisman, Knight Helm, Moon Serenade

Speak to the guard to get in. This valley is really strange! Hop across the first rock on the right for a Sachet. Go down and hop on the rock to get back. Now take the first rock on the left for a Speed Up--a kickass item! Go up past the rock to....Rock Fireflies! (Hint: Level up. A lot.) When you're done with that, head back to the central path and up. In the next screen, go up and take the floating rock (.....right....). Walk to the left side of the island you end up at and take the next rock. Go left again and take yet another rock. This time, head upwards and take the next rock. Get off and wait for it to return, then get back on it. Go to the rock on the right for a Meteor Fall. Head back. This time, get off at the first stop and cross the tree trunk. Head up.

In this screen, things begin to get kinda screwy (as if they weren't already). Take the first rock. Go left and take the rock. The first stop leads to a Talisman, which you should equip to Dart. Now go to the second stop. Use the white patch to your left. Walk to the left and take the rock. Use the white patch to get yourself right-side-up again. Go down adn use the rock to get a Knight Helm. Go back on the rock. Use the right-hand white spot, head right, and use the white spot by the withered tree. Go right and take the rock for a brief scene about the Virage. Go left for a rock leading to the Save Point. Go to the right and take the rock, then head up to face the Virage.

Boss: Virage (Void) - L. Arm, R. Arm, Head, Body
I had Dart at Level 17, Albert at Level 16, Shana at Level 13. Albert and Shana were at Dragoon Level 2, and Dart was at Dragoon Level 3. Kill off the left arm first (by that I mean ITS left, which translates to YOUR right.) Then go for the head, killing off the left arm whenever it regenerates. This Virage likes to hit you with negative statuses, which you should take care of with Body or Mind Purifiers as quickly as possible. The Virage's death is...well...interesting. You'll get a Moon Serenade for defeating it. Head up to get OUT of here.

Part VI: Defeat the Gehrich Gang

Items: Fake Shield, Bandit's Ring, 20G, Angel's Prayer
Stardust: 1

Head into the Home of the Gigantos. To your left, at the north end of the pile of rubble, there should be a Fake Shield. Run left and into one of the three arches for a treasure chest containing 20G. Check the sparkling thing, and push the switch. Head back into the main area through the BOTTOM door and down to get a Bandit's ring, then go back through and head straight north. When the arrows start falling, run back. You'll fight 2 Crafty Theives (Earth) and a Gangster (Dark). In the next screen, the crevice to your right contains rock fireflies. The treasure chest to your left is an Angel's Prayer. The Piggy enemies in this area drop Sachets, which you will have a use for later, but at present they'll probably only clutter up your inventory. Head up to the save point and save. Equip your strongest character with a Talisman, then go through the door.

Boss: Mappi (Dark), Gehrich (Earth)
Take Mappi out first; he has an instant-death attack that can really hurt you. I used Dart, Haschel, and Albert. Dart was Level 18, Haschel level 16 and Dragoon level 1, Albert was level 17 and Dragoon Level 3. You don't have to become a Dragoon in this battle, unless you want Shana/Rose's healing spells or Albert's Rose Storm defensive spell. Albert's Wind-elemental spells can be helpful against Gehrich, or Shana's Light-elemental Star Children would be effective against Mappi. Of course, it's your choice. I chose Albert because he was equipped with the Twister Glaive weapon, which is nice against an Earth-elemental enemy. Use your strongest Additions, heal frequently, and you should be fine. After the battle and a short scene, involving rescue from a highly unexpected quarter, you'll acquire a new party member. You get a tremendous amount of money and experience for this. Go down the steps in the center of the room. After regaining the Dragoon Spirit, check the right-hand candlestick for a Stardust. Level up here, since there are Rock Fireflies to heal you; you will probably want to be at about level 22-25 for the next major battle.

Part VII: Loose Ends

Items: Kate's Bouquet (Rare)

Head back through the Valley of Corrupted Gravity and go to Donau. (The Blue Bird enemies, which you may encounter on the way, are worth a pretty sweet 1000 Exp.) Catch Kate's Bouquet at the wedding. This item has no actual bearing on the game, but it's entertaining. Now go PAST Fletz to the barrier station and choose to go to the South of Serdio. Stop by Lohan. Remember the street vendor you bought the water bottle from before? Visit his stall to get Kongol's Dragoon Spirit. You will be able to get the price down to 1,000G. If you have the cash, you will probably want to pick up one of the Legendary armours. I prefer the Legend Casque myself, but that's me.

Part VIII: Bandits Afoot Again

Items: Moon Serenade, Sun Rhapsody, Fighter's Bead
Stardust: None

Enter the castle and save. Straight ahead from the save point, you will find a Moon Serenade and a Sun Rhapsody. Head outside and sneak past the guards, then make your way up the right-hand tower to Princess Lisa's room. Sneak back down into the main part of the palace, then head outside again and creep up the left-hand tower. Fight the two guards outside Princess Emille's room. Examine the painting. After you get sucked into it, examine the pink sparkle to complete your mission here. Go back into the main part of the palace and MAKE SURE TO SAVE. The upcoming boss fight is rather difficult. At this point you will wish to choose your party very carefully. I do NOT recommend Kongol, as he is far too slow and his magic defense is pitiful. The problem with the speedy characters is that they have low defense and offense, and often low HP. I recommend Rose, Albert, and Dart. Make sure you equip Albert with the Bandit's Ring so he can keep up.

Boss: Lenus (Water)
Dart should use his Dragoon Magic (Preferably Final Burst, but Flameshot will work also). Don't hold back on his magic. You have to hit Lenus hard because she's MUCH faster than you. She can attack up to 7 times in a row! Albert's Blossom Storm will come in handy in taking the edge off her attacks, and Rose is not only fast but moderately powerful (you may have noticed that in this game, there is an inversely proportional relationship between power and speed. The higher the power, the lower the speed, and vice versa. Ditto for magic defense.) If you have any fire-elemental items, use them! Lenus has a lot of magic and she's very, very fast, which is why you're going to want fast characters with high magic defenses. After the battle, visit the bar and talk to Martel. You should have 30 Stardust by now. Give them to her and she'll give you a new item. Now head to Donau, but make sure to stop by the item shop first if the battle with Lenus depleted your supplies.

Part IX: Queen Fury

Items: None
Stardust: 2

You need to head back to Donau to get to the Queen Fury, but you may want to level up first. Try the Valley of Corrupted Gravity by the Rock Fireflies, or you can head back to the Home of Gigantos and fight the Piggy enemies in hopes of winning Sachets. Here are my suggestions for Additions:

Character Addition (Lvl)
Dart Double Slash (5) Volcano (5) Burning Rush (5) Crush Dance (5) Madness Hero (2)
Rose Whip Smack (5) More & More (5) Hard Blade (5) Demon's Dance (1) -
Haschel Double Punch (5) Flurry of Styx (5) Summon 4 Gods (5) - -
Albert Harpoon (5) Spinning Cane (5) Rod Typhoon (5) Gust of Wind Dance (5) Flower Storm (5)
Meru Double Smack (5) Hammer Spin (5) - - -
Kongol Pursuit (4) - - - -

Please note that these are only suggestions. My Dragoon Levels and Experience Levels at this point are as follows:
Characters Exp. Level Dragoon Level
Dart 23 5
Rose 20 4
Shana 20 5
Haschel 21 3
Meru 20 0
Albert 21 5
Kongol 22 2

Once you're done leveling up, head to Donau. You'll want to stop by the item shop to be sure you're well stocked. When you're ready to move on, head to the harbour. Remember where you met Meru? Go back there and head "north" on the screen to get to the harbour. Talk to Kayla to board the ship. When you have control of your character again, go down the steps to speak to Kongol. The wheelbarrow next to him contains a Stardust. Head back up and enter any of the three doors. The chest at the bottom of the stairs contains a Stardust. Under the stairs there is a door leading into a cabin. That's where you'll find Albert. When you leave the cabin, the door to your left is the kitchen. Try the veggie-chopping contest if you like--it can be entertaining, and you get 1 G for playing. Now head up and into the door above you to find *gag* Meru. Go back out and up the stairs. Take the next set of stairs (at the "north" end of the screen) to find Dart. Before you talk to him, though, climb up the ladder and speak to Rose. After you talk to Dart, go talk to Rose again.

When you control Rose, go to see Haschel. Take Haschel to see Kongol. Then take Kongol to speak to Albert. As Albert, go look for Meru, and then take Meru to see Dart. You may pick whichever of the choices you wish--I prefer to say Kongol, Shana, or Haschel. Now go speak to Shana. In order to continue the story, you must find Rose and speak to her again.

Part X: The Phantom Ship

Items: 50G, 20G, Key to Phantom Ship (rare), 200G, 100G, Bravery Amulet, Night Raid, Dancing Dagger
Treasure Chest Items: Stun Guard, Panic Guard, Magic Ego Bell, Talisman, Ultimate Wargod, 100G

Head to the right if you wish to jump back over to the Queen Fury. There's a weapon/item shop, an inn, and a Save Point. Make use of whatever you need. Then head back to the Phantom Ship. Be careful--the Death enemies in this area use one-hit-kill attacks when their HP is in the red. Go into the door at the top of the screen and check the door; it will be locked. Now go down the stairs. Check the first door on the top side of the screen (to Dart's left.) Open the treasure chest in the loft and fight the three Skeletons. Head into the next door down and open the chest to fight two skeletons and a Magician Bogy. Go down the hall. The treasure chest has 50G in it. Go through the door. The chest to your right has 20G. Open the left-hand chest to fight three Magician Bogys. At this point I suggest you head back to the Queen Fury to rest and save. Now, you can take part in a mini-game that has some definite rewards.

Treasure Chest Mini-Game
In the room where you fought the Magician Bogys, check out the shiny object on the floor. Four ghosts will appear and each will give you a number. Remember the numbers. Then go to the room closest to the Queen Fury. See the chest? Try to open it. You'll get a set number of chances to input a code, which is composed of three of the four numbers you were given. If you run out of chances before you get it right you'll have to fight three Skeletons. The codes are random. Here is a list of the prizes (please note that "first" attempt refers to all tries before you win the first prize, "second" to all tries before you win the second prize....):
Attempt No. of Chances Prize
First 10 Stun Guard
Second 8 Panic Guard
Third 6 Magic Ego Bell
Fourth 4 Talisman
Fifth 2 Ultimate Wargod
Sixth 2 200G

When you get bored or frustrated with playing with the treasure chest, head for the Captain's Cabin (the door farthest to the east.) Go in and hear his tale. He will give you the rare item Key to the Phantom Ship when you examine the sparkling object on the floor. The right-hand treasure chest contains 200G, the left-hand chest 100G. Go back to the Queen Fury and make sure you REST and SAVE. Also, purchase as many Dancing Ray items as your funds and inventory size will allow. You may want to pick up one or two Trans Light items also. They will come in incredibly handy in the upcoming boss fight. I suggest putting Shana and Rose in your party. Hopefully at this point, Shana is Dragoon Level 3 or better. Give Shana the Physical Ring accessory (and the Legend Casque if you have it) and give Rose the Therapy Ring. You may want to consider equipping Dart with the Bandit's Ring to increase his speed. Now head back to the door that was locked. Open the treasure chest to get a Bravery Amulet and walk to the western wall.

Boss: Ghost Commander (Dark) and 4 Ghost Knights (Dark)
This boss fight is fairly easy. Have Shana transform into a Dragoon. Use her Star Children magic, or summon the White-Silver Dragon if she's at a high enough level. Rose and Dart should use Dancing Ray and Trans Light items. Take out the Ghost Commander first, as the Knights can regenerate. Your best bet is to hit them all hard and fast, and Shana and Rose are very speedy characters with high magic power. Dart's Dragoon spells can also be helpful. You get a Night Raid for defeating them. Go through the door. There is a Dancing Dagger for Rose in the chest. Examine the cradle. Run out the door after the short scene and enjoy the incredible FMV.

Part XI: Lidiera

Items: Healing Potion
Stardust: 1

Leave Pete's house and take the boat to the pier. Enter the big tent to save. Climb the ladder outside and head in through the roof to get the Stardust from the cupboard. There is a chest with a Healing Potion behidn the little fence to the right of the tent. Go to the Ocean Terrace to visit with the Mayor if you wish. Other than that, there isn't much to do here. Leave the town and head into the Undersea Cavern. From there, you can move on to Fueno.

Part XII: Fueno

Shops: Weapons, Items
Stardust: 2

Check out the Weapon and Item shops (the two counters to the right of the entrance) but DON'T sell Dart's Heat Blade! Go to the Save Point. The door behind it is the hospital. Stop by to talk to Pete and his mom. Check the painting for a Stardust. Now go to the Inn (to the left of the hospital) and check the barrel under the stairs for another Stardust. Now head north to the harbor. Talk to Kayla. Go back to the Inn. After you've spoken to everyone, go upstairs to see Shana. Hmmm, I wonder what they were up to after the lights went out? ;) revisit the weapon and item shops, then stop to speak to the folks gathered near the shops.

Part XIII: The Prison Island

Items: Healing Rain, Healing Fog, Attack Ball (x2), Jeweled Crown, Recovery Ball (x2), Gushing Magma, Burn Out

Before you do anything else, make sure Dart is equipped with the Heat Blade. Go back to Lidiera. Use the boat to go to the Ocean Terrace and speak to the mayor. Head right and across the rocks. Get the Healing Rain and the Healing Fog from the chests. Go back to the Undersea Cavern. Head north. The first treasure chest contains an Attack Ball. In the next area, the treasure chest to your right has a Jeweled Crown. Go left and keep going to find a Recovery Ball in the hidden chest at the top of the path. Now go back to where the path splits and take the lower fork. Go left for a Gushing Magma. Save these fire items! In the next screen, head left. At the bottom of the screen (after the bend in the path) is another Recovery Ball. Go back and to the right this time. Hop across to get a Burn Out. Head up the spiral. The Treasure Chest to your right contains another Attack Ball. Make sure you save!

Boss: Lenus and Regole (Water)
Have Dart become a Dragoon and use your strongest Fire magic (preferably Red-Eyed Dragon, but Final Burst will also work.) Use your Burn Out and Gushing Magma items. If you have Albert in your party, you can use his Rose Storm spell to protect yourself a little. Use Astral Drain, Moon Light, Gates of Heaven, or White-Silver Dragon to heal yourself. Lenus has strong physical attacks, and Regole has a nasty water spell that attacks everyone. Take Regole out first using your strongest magic, then handle Lenus with Additions. She's got a good Magic Defense but very little in the way of physical defense. You'll get a Frozen Jet for winning this battle. Now head back to Fueno. Visit Pete. In the ensuing conversation, the first choice will piss Shana off, the second will infuriate Rose, and the third will irritate Meru. I suggest you try them all, since all of the reactions are amusing. Rest at the inn if you need to, then head to see the Queen Fury. Here are my stats at this time (remember that I master all my additions in order):
Character Level D'Lv Highest Addition and Level
Dart 24 5 Madness Hero (5)
Shana 19 5 ----
Rose 23 4 Demon's Dance (2)
Haschel 22 3 Five-Ring Shattering (5)
Albert 22 5 Flower Storm (2)
Meru 22 1 Hammer Spin (3)
Kongol 23 2 Inferno (2)

Go back to Donau and head for Fletz. Go speak to King Zior. After the cutscenes, go look for your party members. Albert is in Princess Emille's tower. Haschel and Meru are stealing food from the dining room. Rose is in the guest room. Kongol is in the training room below the Chamber of the Sun. Go to the dressing room behind where Kongol was to get the women dressed up. Enjoy the cutscene.

On to Chapter Three: Fate and Soul

Back to the Index for this Walkthrough

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