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The Legend of Dragoon

Welcome. Here you will be able to find information on Sony's RPG, The Legend of Dragoon.

I had a dream that I could fly
I can feel each moment as time goes by

We'd never be too far away
You'd always be here
I heard you say

I never thought
Thought that it would be our last goodbye
I still can dream
That one day love will fall from the sky

Do you still remember
All the time that has gone by
Do you still believe that
Love can fall out from the sky

If from where you're standing
You can see the sky above
I'll be waiting for you
If you still believe in love

Find a way
To bring back yesterday
Find a way for love

I hope you'll stay
When tomorrow becomes today
Love will find a way

I'll be waiting for you
In my heart you are the one
If I cannot find you
I will look up to the sun

If from where you're standing
You can see the sky above
I'll be waiting for you
If you still believe in love

--"Ending Theme"

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