[The RPG Place]

Chrono Trigger Review

by Edge of Eblan

When I got this game I honestly didn't expect much for it since it wasn't a Final Fantasy game. Sure glad I was proven wrong this is right up there in RPG's.

Storyline: The main character Crono, is picked by fate to save everyone in every time. Starting out in 1000 AD a sequence of events bring him and people from different times to come together for one goal. Save the world. Square did this masterfully, In my opinion even better than the much fabled FF6 storyline. The story moves along evenly for the hardcore RPG'er or the one-timers. You won't get lost as to who's who and what's what.

Characters: Great development. The characters here has basically one dominant trait. ex: Lucca's smarts, Marle's boldness. And for once not one wavers from it. Unlike most RPG's. This could be a bad thing or a good one. Here it's a definiate GOOD thing. The interaction between characters rivals FF6. Both the serious scenes (Magus and his mother. Frog and Magus.. And many more.) To the whimsical scenes. (Dalton definiately was one for me.) They help the storyline further.

Graphics: Since this was done in the 90's and was on the SNES, It would look drab compared to the newer RPG's. *Coughs FF8* But when this was first out it was the pinnacle of the SNES system. A great sound off for the RPG system. Plus, it can still hang with some of the RPG's of today. The battle scenes are a hoot when they show when they are hit or miss a target. Still find some of the combination techs a riot.

Control: Can't get much simpler than this. It sticks to the reliable FF controls. You can avoid battle by carefully navigating your characters. And with to the point control, it can be critical to your success later on. The battle system is a mix of Secret of Mana and the FF series. While the characters can't move around to get into position to attack or dodge, the battle is played out in front of you like SoM. But sticks to the reliable FF attack, magic and item. Instead of magic being there it's technique. Once your characters learn new moves they can combine theirs with others for a more stronger and effective move. Once again it's easy for the first timer to play, yet strong enough for the diehard to get into.

Challenge: It increases as it goes. The beginning helps your characters build up. The middle challenges what you learned and develop new methods to your attack. The end gives it to you. Only the strong (or lucky) survives. Once again not to hard for the beginner, they will adjust as it goes along. The expert will have their problems for sure. (I sure did on the twin golem bosses but...)

Well enough of blabbing on about them here are the scores.

Storyline 9.7
Characters 9.5
Graphics 10 (back then) 9.5 (now)
Control 9.5
Challenge 9.8
Overall 9.7 (period)

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