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Weapon Guide

by Lassarina Aoibhell

Weapons are listed in ascending order of attack power. I have not listed the areas where they can be obtained because that information will be provided in the forthcoming walkthrough and shop guide.

Weapon Attack Hit % Added Effect
Cutlass 20 90 -
Pirate's Cutlass 33 90 -
Sky Cutlass 45 90 -
Assassin Blade 58 90 Poison
Nasr Cutlass 70 90 -
Hunter's Sword 87 90 -
Stonecutter 99 90 -
Iron-Cutter 112 90 -
Sword of Daccat 120 90 Sleep
Admiral Cutlass 128 90 -
Dream Cutlass 137 90 -
Suiran Blade 141 90 -
Windslicer 153 90 -
Thunder Cutlass 160 90 -
Tuna Cutlass 150 0 -
Soul Sword 174 90 One-hit kill
Vorlik Blade 200 200 -

Weapon Attack Hit % Added Effect
Boomerang 19 110 -
Leather Crescent 30 110 -
Throwing Blade 38 110 -
Valuarang 46 110 -
Scout Wing 53 110 -
Dancing Arc 65 110 -
Swirlmarang 69 150 Confuse
Hunting Arc 80 110 -
Grendel Wing 96 150 -
Skywing 107 110 -
Wing of Hope 119 110 -
Yin Wing 130 110 -
Ice Splitter 142 110 -
Moon Wing 161 110 -
Hydra Wing 168 110 -

Weapon Attack Hit % Added Effect
Cupil 58 120 -
Cupil Blade 67 115 -
Cupil Cone 73 120 -
Cupil Cannon 86 105 -
Cupil Sword 90 115 -
Cupil Club 99 110 -
Cupil Star 103 120 -
Cupil Lance 110 120 -
Cupil Cutlass 127 115 -
Cupil Spike 141 105 -
Cupil Spear 147 120 -
Cupil Claymore 157 115 -
Final Cupil 500 100 -

Weapon Attack Hit % Added Effect
Artificial Arm 43 80 -
Hook Hand 51 80 -
Beak Hand 60 80 Confuse
Excavation Arm 73 80 -
De Loco Drill 95 80 One-hit kill
Ruin Arm 112 80 -
Dragon Arm 181 80 -
Silver Arm 190 80 -

Weapon Attack Hit % Added Effect
Marksman Gun 100 200 One-hit kill
Gilder's Own 104 100 -
Nasr Pistol 112 100 -
Daccat Custom 120 100 Sleep
Valuan Pistol 160 100 -
Gilder Special 168 100 -
Warrior's Pistol 176 100 -

Weapon Attack Hit % Added Effect
Rapier 122 95 Silence
Blade of Slumber 138 95 Sleep
Frostblade 150 95 Confuse
Imperial Blade 163 95 Silence
Stoneblade 171 95 Stone
Serpent Strike 179 95 Stone

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