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Accessory Guide

by Lassarina Aoibhell

Welcome. The accessories are listed alphabetically. If you find an error or if I have missed something, please let me know.

Item Price Purchase Find Win Effect
Active Ring 200 Fletz, Lohan Bale, Mayfil - Prevents dispiriting
Amulet - - Get from Martel (20 Stardust) - Doubles maximum MP
Angel Scarf 5000 Lohan - - Reduces magic damage by 50%
Attack Badge 1000 Moon, Furni, Rouge - - Raises physical and magical attack power
Bandit's Ring - - Home of Giganto - Raises speed by 20 points (Males only)
Blue Sea Stone - - - Damia Reduces damage from water-based attacks by 50%
Bravery Amulet 300 Bale, Zenebatos, Deningrad, Fletz Mayfil, Dragon's Nest, Phantom Ship - Prevents Fear
Dancer's Ring - - Snowfield - Raises Speed by 20 points (Females only)
Darkness Stone - - - Kamuy Reduces damage from darkness-based attack by 50%
Destone Amulet 400 Zenebatos, Deningrad, Furni Evergreen Forest, Mayfil - Prevents petrification
Dragon Shield 5000 Lohan - Divine Dragon Reduces physical damage by 50%
Elude Cloak 300 Furni, Ulara - - Physical attack evade rate raised 20 points
Emerald Earring 1000 Fletz - - Gain SP when damaged physically
Fake Power Wrist 100 Kazas (Secret Shop) - - Raises physical attack by 5
Fake Knight Shield 100 Kazas (Secret Shop) Home of Giganto - Rasies physical defense by 5
Giganto Ring 1000 Moon, Rouge, Vellweb - - Raises physical attack and defense by 20 points
Golden Stone - - - Belzac Damage from earth-based attacks reduced by 50%
Guard Badge 1000 Rouge, Moon, Kashua - - Raises physical and magical defense
Holy Ankh - - Crystal Palace - Revives from death, with a given probability.
Jade Stone - - - Syuveil Damage from wind-based attacks reduced by 50%
Knight Shield 200 Fletz, Bale - Freugal (First battle) Raises physical defense by 10 points
Mage Ring - - Flanvel - Recovers MP by 10% each turn
Magic Ego Bell 300 Queen Fury, Fletz Phantom Ship (Chest, 6 tries), Mayfil - Prevents Bewitchment
Magical Ring 600 Wingly Forest, Ulara, Moon - - Raises Magic Attack by 30 points
Phantom Shield 10000 Lohan - - Reduces all damage (physical and magical) by 50%
Physical Ring - - Get from Martel (10 Stardust) - Increases maximum HP by 50%
Platinum Collar 1000 Fletz - - Get MP when physically damaged
Poison Guard 300 Bale, Fletz Limestone Cave, Mayfil - Prevents Poison
Power Wrist 200 Fletz, Lohan - Kongol (at Hoax) Raises physical attack by 10
Protector 200 Deningrad, Fletz, Lohan Mayfil - Prevents Arm Blocking
Rainbow Earring - - Get from Martel (40 Stardust) - Prevents all abnormal status
Red-Eye Stone - - - Fire Bird Reduces damage from fire-based attacks by 50%
Ruby Ring 1000 Fletz - - Get SP when damaged by magic
Sage's Cloak 600 Ulara - - Physical and magic evade rate raised by 20 points
Sapphire Pin 1000 Fletz Volcano Villude - Get MP when damaged by magic
Silver Stone - - - Shirley Reduces damage from light-based attacks by 50%
Spirit Cloak 300 Wingly Forest, Ulara Zenebatos - Magic evasion rate raised by 20 points
Spirit Ring - - Kazas, Flanvel - Recovers SP each turn
Spiritual Ring 600 Ulara, Wingly Forest, Moon - - Raises magic defense by 30 points
Stun Guard 200 Fletz, Queen Fury, Bale Mayfil, Marshland, Phantom Ship (Chest, 10 tries) - Prevents Stunning
Talisman - - Valley of Corrupted Gravity, Phantom Ship (Chest, 4 tries) - Prevents instant death
Therapy Ring - - Hellena (second time), Flanvel - Recovers 10% of maximum HP each turn
Ultimate Wargod 10000 Lohan Phantom Ship (Chest, 2 tries) - Makes Additions completely successful (Automatic Addition, full damage and SP)
Violet Stone - - - Kanzas Reduces damage from thunder-based attacks by half
Wargod's Amulet - - Marshland Fort Urobulos Increases physical and magical hit rate by 20%
Wargod's Calling 1000 Fletz, Lohan Rouge - Automatic Addition, half damage and SP
Wargod's Sash - - Get from Martel (30 Stardust) - Raises SP by 50%

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