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Age: 26
Hometown: Deningrad
Element: Light
Weapon: Bow

Miranda is the First Sacred Sister of Mille Seseau, helping Queen Theresa rule her realm. Quick-tempered and impatient, she tends to forge ahead regardless of the consequences. Miranda's weapon of choice is the bow, which prevents her from using Additions. Like Shana, she is quick but weak physically, and strong magically. How Miranda gets her Dragoon Spirit is something of a spoiler, and so the location will not be listed here.

Miranda's Stats
10 1632 240 17 15 32 31 65
20 13056 861 29 33 87 89 65
30 44064 1734 43 48 143 144 65
40 104,448 2680 61 63 194 196 65
50 204,000 4640 82 97 226 225 65
60 389,640 6000 104 149 255 254 65

Miranda's Dragoon Stat Bonuses
1 200% 200% 150% 200%
2 205% 210% 155% 210%
3 210% 220% 160% 220%
4 215% 230% 165% 230%
5 220% 250% 170% 250%

SP Needed To Gain Dragoon Levels
D'LV SP Needed
1 100
2 1000
3 6000
4 12,000
5 20,000

Miranda's Dragoon Magic
D'LV Spell Name MP Effects
1 Moon Light 10 Ally Single 100% Rev & Rec
2 Star Children 20 Light STR 25% All
3 Gates of Heaven 30 Ally All 100% Recover
5 W Silver Dragon 80 Light STR 100% All HP

Legend of Dragoon Character Guide

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