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Miranda is the First Sacred Sister of Mille Seseau, helping Queen Theresa rule her realm. Quick-tempered and impatient, she tends to forge ahead regardless of the consequences. Miranda's weapon of choice is the bow, which prevents her from using Additions. Like Shana, she is quick but weak physically, and strong magically. How Miranda gets her Dragoon Spirit is something of a spoiler, and so the location will not be listed here.
Legend of Dragoon Character Guide The RPG Place is copyright Lassarina Aoibhell, 1998-2012. The games featured on this site are copyright the companies who made them and the webmaster is in no way affiliated with these companies or games. All original work on this site, however--guides, reviews, fanfiction, etc--is copyright its author and may not be posted without the author's permission; refer to the recent Supreme Court decision about electronic publishing of news articles without the journalist's consent. If you would like to use material from this site, please contact the author of the material in question. |