Site FAQ
Linking (Blue) Materia
Please note that the "Sell" price denotes the sale price of the Materia at Master level. If the Materia you are trying to sell is not at Master level, you will receive an amount of Gil equal to the amount of AP the Materia has accumulated (unless the sale price is 1).
Buy: 20000 (Fort Condor, after the meteor)
Sell: 1400000
Find:Red XIII starts with this Materia; find in Sector 7 slums, Shin-Ra building, the Ship, Nibel Mtn, and Ice Gate
Links To:Green
Effect: Causes the materia to which it is linked to target all enemies. The number of times the effect can be used in a given battle is indicated in the chart below.
Level |
# Of Times Effect Can Be Used |
Total AP Needed |
* |
One |
- |
** |
Two |
1500 |
*** |
Three |
6,000 |
**** |
Four |
18,000 |
***** |
Five |
35,000 |
Buy: -
Sell: 1
Find: Nibel Mtn., Shin-Ra Building, Nibelheim
Links To: Green, Red
Effect: This materia takes the elemental type of the materia it's linked with andgives that type to your armor or weapon, depending on where the two materia are equippped. If it's your weapon, then your weapon does damage of that elemental type. If it's the armour, then you take half-damage at level 1, no damage at level 2, absorb as HP at level 3
AP/Level Chart:
Level |
Total AP Needed |
* |
- |
** |
10,000 |
*** |
40,000 |
**** |
80,000 |
Added Effect
Buy: -
Sell: 1
Find: Cave of the Gi
Links To: Green, Red
Effect: Materia takes conditions of what it's linked to and gives that condition to the weapon or armour. If on your weapon, it will sometimes cause that condition when you attack; if on your armour it will make you immune to all conditions that materia can cast
AP/Level Chart:
Level |
Total AP Needed |
* |
- |
** |
100,000 |
HP Absorb
Buy: -
Sell: 1
Find: Utai
Links To: Green, Red, Yellow
Effect: When you use the materia to which HP Absorb is linked, you absorb HP in an amount equal to 10% of the damage caused.
AP/Level Chart:
Level |
Total AP Needed |
* |
- |
** |
100,000 |
MP Absorb
Buy: -
Sell: 1
Find: Utai
Links To: Green, Red, Yellow
Effect: When you use the materia to which MP Absorb is linked, you reabsorb 1% of the damage you cause as MP. (In the case of a spell such as Knights of the Round, that is a GOOD thing.)
AP/Level Chart:
Level |
Total AP Needed |
* |
- |
** |
100,000 |
MP Turbo
Buy: -
Sell: 1
Find: Whirlwind Maze
Links To: Green, Red
Effect: When linked to a summon or magic spell, this materia causes you to use x% more MP, and cause x% more damage. x is dependent upon the level of the MP Turbo Materia. See the chart below.
Level |
% Effective |
Total AP Needed |
* |
10% |
- |
** |
20% |
10,000 |
*** |
30% |
30,000 |
**** |
40% |
60,000 |
***** |
50% |
120,000 |
Added Cut
Buy: -
Sell: 1
Find: Downed Shin-Ra Plane
Links To: Green, Red, Yellow
Effect: When you use the materia to which Added Cut is linked, your character executes a physical attack in addition to using the materia. So, for example, if you link it to Deathblow, then after you use the Deathblow command your character will execute a normal physical attack. This materia cannot be linked to Double Cut or Slash-All.
AP/Level Chart:
Level |
Total AP Needed |
* |
- |
** |
200,000 |
Final Attack
Buy: -
Sell: 1
Find: Win in Gold Saucer's Secret Duel
Links To: Red, Green, Yellow
Effect: When the character who has this materia equipped dies, the materia to which it is linked will automatically be cast at its highest level. (E.G. a level 2 Revive would cast Life2, or the Phoenix Summon Materia would cast Phoenix.) This effect may be used as many times per battle as Final Attack's current level (see the chart below.)
Level |
# Of Times Effect Can Be Used |
Total AP Needed |
* |
One |
- |
** |
Two |
20,000 |
*** |
Three |
40,000 |
**** |
Four |
80,000 |
***** |
Five |
160,000 |
Sneak Attack
Buy: -
Sell: 1
Find: Win at Gold Saucer Chocobo Racing
Links To: Green, Red, Yellow
Effect: When you enter a battle, the materia to which Sneak Attack is linked will automatically be cast at its highest level. This will happen x% of the time, with x being determined by Sneak Attack's current level (See the chart below)
Level |
% Effective |
Total AP Needed |
* |
20% |
- |
** |
35% |
20,000 |
*** |
50% |
60,000 |
**** |
65% |
100,000 |
***** |
80% |
150,000 |
Magic Counter
Buy: -
Sell: 1
Find: Win at Gold Saucer Chocobo Racing
Links To: Green, Red
Effect: When the character with Magic Counter equipped gets attacked, the materia to which it is linked will automatically be cast at its highest level. This will happen x% of the time, with x determined by Magic Counter's current level (see chart below)
Level |
% Effective |
Total AP Needed |
* |
30% |
- |
** |
40% |
40,000 |
*** |
60% |
80,000 |
**** |
80% |
120,000 |
***** |
100% |
200,000 |
Quadra Magic
Buy: -
Sell: 1
Find: Mideel Area Materia Cave
Links To: Green
Effect: When the materia this is linked to is cast, the spell is automatically cast 4 times, with no extra MP cost. This effect may be used as many times in any one battle as Quadra Magic's current level (See below) Note: QuadraMagic and Enemy-All may not be used on the same Materia. You MUST choose one or the other.
Level |
# Of Times Effect Can Be Used |
Total AP Needed |
* |
One |
- |
** |
Two |
40,000 |
*** |
Three |
80,000 |
**** |
Four |
120,000 |
***** |
Five |
200,000 |
Command Counter
Buy: -
Sell: 1
Find: North Cave
Links To: Yellow
Effect: When attacked, the materia to which it is linked executes a counterattack. This will happen x% of the time, with x being determined by Command Counter's current level. Command Counter can only be used with Steal, Sense, Throw, Morph, Deathblow, Mimic, and Control materia.
Level |
% Effective |
Total AP Needed |
* |
30% |
- |
** |
40% |
40,000 |
*** |
60% |
80,000 |
**** |
80% |
120,000 |
***** |
100% |
200,000 |
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The RPG Place is copyright Lassarina Aoibhell, 1998-2012. The games featured on this site are copyright the companies who made them and the webmaster is in no way affiliated with these companies or games. All original work on this site, however--guides, reviews, fanfiction, etc--is copyright its author and may not be posted without the author's permission; refer to the recent Supreme Court decision about electronic publishing of news articles without the journalist's consent. If you would like to use material from this site, please contact the author of the material in question.