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White Magic Guide

Final Fantasy IV Easy Version

by Lassarina Aoibhell

White Magic is principally healing and defensive magic, although one or two offensive spells do exist. White magic may be used by Rosa, Tellah, FuSoYa, and Porom. Rydia can use white magic as a child, but not as an adult caller. Cecil can also use white magic, but his spell inventory is restricted to Cure1, Cure2, Heal, Peep, Sight, and Exit.

White Magic
Spell Name MP Cost Effect Target
Cure1 3 Recovers a small amount of HP; damages undead Single or multiple
Cure2 9 Recovers slightly more HP than Cure1; damages undead Single or multiple
Cure3 18 Recovers a moderate amount of HP; damages undead Single or multiple
Cure4 40 Recovers a high amount of HP; damages undead Single or multiple
Heal 20 Removes negative status Single or multiple
Life1 8 Recovers Swoon condition Single
Life2 52 Recovers Swoon and restores HP to maximum Single
Wall 30 Reflects magic off the target to the opposing party Single
Hold 40 Immobilizes target Single
Mute 6 Disables ability to use magic Single
Charm 10 Confuses target Single
Blink 8 Allows target to avoid two attacks 1 ally, all enemies
Slow 14 Causes target to slow down Single or Multiple
Fast 25 Causes target to speed up Single or mulitple
Bersk 18 Increases attack power, but target cannot be controlled and uses only physical attacks. Single
White 46 Attacks with holy power Single
Peep 1 Reveals target's HP, MP, and weakness Single
Size 6 Causes or removes the Mini condition Single or Multiple
Exit 10 Escape from battle (Affects all allies)
Sight 2 Allows you to view the map -
Float 8 Causes target to float, thereby avoiding Quake attack Affects all allies in battle, Single or Multiple in the menu screen

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