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Weapons Guide (Easy Type)

by Lassarina Aoibhell

Weapons are listed by type. I have done my best to ensure the accuracy of this guide, but please let me know if I've messed up.

Item Attack Effect Price Equipped By
Shadow 10 Shadow-elemental - Dark Knight Cecil
Darkness 20 Shadow-elemental - Dark Knight Cecil
Hades 30 Shadow-elemental, KO's enemy - Dark Knight Cecil
Legend 40 Holy-elemental - Paladin Cecil
Light 99 Holy-elemental - Paladin Cecil
Excalbur 163 Holy-elemental - Paladin Cecil
Crystal 203 Holy-elemental - Paladin Cecil
Ancient 35 Causes Curse - Cecil, Kain
Drain 45 Drains enemy's HP. - Cecil, Kain
Silver 50 Effective vs. Spirits 6000 Cecil, Kain
Slumber 55 Causes Sleep - Cecil, Kain
Firee 65 Fire-elemental 14,000 Cecil, Kain
IceBland 75 Ice-elemental 26,000 Cecil, Kain
Medusa 77 Causes Gradual Petrify - Cecil, Kain
Avenger 80 Causes Berserk when equipped - Cecil, Kain
Defense 105 Raises Defense stat when equipped - Cecil, Kain

Item Attack Effect Price Equipped By
Silver 20 Effective vs. Spirits 3000 Cecil, Kain, Rydia, Edward, Palom, Edge
Assassin 28 - 5000 Cecil, Kain, Rydia, Edward, Palom, Edge
Mute 35 Silence - Cecil, Kain, Rydia, Edward, Palom, Edge
Spoon 255 Use with Edge's Throw command - None

Ninja Swords
Item Attack Effect Price Equipped By
Short 25 - 4000 Edge
Middle 32 - 7000 Edge
Long 40 - 11,000 Edge
Ninja 48 - - Edge
Murasame 55 - - Edge
Masamune 65 - - Edge

Item Attack Effect Price Equipped By
Dwarf 62 - 15,000 Cecil, Kain
Ogre 80 Effective vs. Giants 45,000 Cecil, Kain
Poison 95 Effective vs. Giants - Cecil, Kain
RuneAxe 100 Effective vs. Mages - Cecil, Kain

Item Attack Effect Price Equipped By
Spear 9 - 60 Kain
Wind 55 Wind-elemental - Kain
Flame 66 Fire-elemental 11,000 Kain
Blizzard 77 Ice-elemental 21,000 Kain
Drain 88 Drains HP - Kain
Gungnir 92 - - Kain
Dragon 99 Effective vs. Dragons - Kain
Holy 109 Holy-elemental - Kain

Item Attack Effect Price Equipped By
Thunder 0 Lightning-elemental 550 Yang, Edge
IceClaw 0 Ice-elemental 450 Yang, Edge
Poison 0 Causes Poison - Yang, Edge
CatClaw 0 Causes Sleep - Yang, Edge
FireClaw 0 Fire-elemental 350 Yang, Edge
Charm 0 Causes Confuse - Yang, Edge

Item Attack Effect Price Equipped By
Dreamer 8 Causes Sleep - Edward
Charm 18 Causes Confuse - Edward

Item Attack Effect Price Equipped By
Wooden 45 Effective vs. Machines 80 Cid
Silver 55 Effective vs. Machines, Spirits 8000 Cid
Earth 65 Effective vs. Machines - Cid

Item Attack Effect Price Equipped By
Staff 4 - 160 Cecil, Rosa, Rydia, Tellah, Porom, FuSoYa
Cure 8 - 480 Cecil, Rosa, Tellah, Porom, FuSoYa
Silver 12 Effective vs. Undead 4000 Cecil, Rosa, Tellah, Porom, FuSoYa
Power 30 Causes Berserk 2000 Rosa, Tellah, Porom, FuSoYa
Lunar 36 - 7000 Rosa, Tellah, Porom, FuSoYa
Life 48 - - Rosa, Tellah, Porom, FuSoYa
Silence 52 Causes Silence - Rosa, Tellah, Porom, FuSoYa

Item Attack Effect Price Equipped By
Rod 3 - 100 Rydia, Tellah, Palom, FuSoYa
IceRod 5 Ice-elemental 220 Rydia, Tellah, Palom, FuSoYa
FlameRod 7 Fire-elemental 380 Rydia, Tellah, Palom, FuSoYa
Thunder 10 Lightning-elemental 700 Rydia, Tellah, Palom, FuSoYa
Change 15 Causes Pig - Rydia, Tellah, Palom, FuSoYa
Charm 30 Causes Confuse 5000 Rydia, Tellah, Palom, FuSoYa
Stardust 45 - - Rydia, Tellah, Palom, FuSoYa

Item Attack Effect Price Equipped By
Whip 20 Causes Paralysis 3000 Rydia
Chain 30 Causes Paralysis 6000 Rydia
Blitz 40 Lightning-elemental, causes Paralysis 10,000 Rydia
Flame 50 Fire-elemental, causes Paralysis - Rydia
Dragon 55 Causes Paralysis, effective against Dragons - Rydia

Item Attack Effect Price Equipped By
ShortBow 10 - 220 Cecil, Rosa, Cid, Rydia, Edward, Palom, Porom, FuSoYa
Crossbow 20 - 700 Cecil, Rosa, Cid, Rydia, Edward, Palom, Porom, FuSoYa
GreatBow 30 - 2000 Cecil, Rosa, Cid, Rydia, Edward, Palom, Porom, FuSoYa
Archer 40 - 3000 Cecil, Rosa, Cid, Rydia, Edward, Palom, Porom, FuSoYa
ElvenBow 50 Effective vs. Mages - Cecil, Rosa, Cid, Rydia, Edward, Palom, Porom, FuSoYa
Samurai 60 - - Cecil, Rosa, Cid, Rydia, Edward, Palom, Porom, FuSoYa
Artemis 80 - - Cecil, Rosa, Cid, Rydia, Edward, Palom, Porom, FuSoYa

Item Attack Effect Price Equipped By
Medusa 1 Causes Petrification - Cecil, Rosa, Cid, Rydia, Edward, Palom, Porom, FuSoYa
Iron 3 - 10 Cecil, Rosa, Cid, Rydia, Edward, Palom, Porom, FuSoYa
Holy 10 Holy-elemental 20 Cecil, Rosa, Cid, Rydia, Edward, Palom, Porom, FuSoYa
Fire 15 Fire-elemental 30 Cecil, Rosa, Cid, Rydia, Edward, Palom, Porom, FuSoYa
Ice 15 Ice-elemental 30 Cecil, Rosa, Cid, Rydia, Edward, Palom, Porom, FuSoYa
Lit 15 Lightning-elemental 30 Cecil, Rosa, Cid, Rydia, Edward, Palom, Porom, FuSoYa
Darkness 20 Causes Darkness 40 Cecil, Rosa, Cid, Rydia, Edward, Palom, Porom, FuSoYa
Poison 30 Causes Poison 70 Cecil, Rosa, Cid, Rydia, Edward, Palom, Porom, FuSoYa
Mute 35 Causes Silence 100 Cecil, Rosa, Cid, Rydia, Edward, Palom, Porom, FuSoYa
Charm 40 Causes Confuse, effective vs. Giants 110 Cecil, Rosa, Cid, Rydia, Edward, Palom, Porom, FuSoYa
Samurai 50 - 140 Cecil, Rosa, Cid, Rydia, Edward, Palom, Porom, FuSoYa
Artemis 75 Effective vs. Dragons - Cecil, Rosa, Cid, Rydia, Edward, Palom, Porom, FuSoYa

Item Attack Effect Price Equipped By
Boomrang 20 - 3000 Edge
FullMoon 40 - - Edge

Ninja Stars
Item Attack Effect Price Equipped By
Shuriken 40 Use with Throw command 20,000 N/A
Fuma 80 Use with Throw command 50,000 N/A

Some weapons can be used as items during battle. These weapons, and their effects, are listed below.

Weapons Used As Items
Item Effect
Change Casts Piggy
Cure Casts Cure1 on all allies
Assassin Hurls a dagger at the enemy
Defense Casts Armor
ElvenBow Casts Shell
Charm (rod) Casts Charm
Flame (spear) Casts Fire2
Flame Rod Casts Fire1
Earth Casts Gaia, causing an earthquake
Holy (lance) Casts Holy
IceRod Casts Ice1
Blizzard Casts Ice2
Lunar Casts Dispel
Masamune Casts Haste
Murasame Casts Armor
Silver Cures Paralyze, Sleep, Confuse, and Berserk
Power Casts Bserk
Rod Fires an energy bolt at the enemy
Life Casts Life1
Silence Casts Mute
Slumber Casts Sleep
Staff Cures Poison
Stardust Casts Comet
Thunder Casts Bolt1
Poison (axe) Casts Venom

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