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Age: 5
Birthplace: Mysidia
Class: White Mage/White Wizard
Weapon: Staff, Bow & Arrow
Commands: White, Twin, Tears (Hardtype)

Porom is one of a pair of young twin mages from Mysidia who are assigned to accompany Cecil on a particular mission. The calmer, and more mature of the two, she makes valiant efforts (with some degree of success) to rein in her more mischievous brother. Porom, like Rosa, is a White Mage and her healing magic will be useful.

In conjunction with her brother, Porom is able to use the powerful Twin black magic spells. In order for this command to work, both twins must be alive and both must have sufficient MP to cast the spell. Porom's Tears command, available only in the Hardtype version of the game, attempts to frighten away the enemies you are fighting.

Final Fantasy IV Characters

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