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Bestiaryby Lassarina Aoibhell Welcome to my Final Fantasy X Bestiary. Some things you should know about the organization of this bestiary:
Monsters are organized alphabetically by name. Click the appropriate link. Be aware that these files are rather large (over 100 KB each) so if you're on dial-up, it may take a bit to load. Also, be aware that bosses are NOT listed in this guide. That will be a separate guide. Final Fantasy X Miscellaneous Information Lassarina Aoibhell's Contributor Page The RPG Place is copyright Lassarina Aoibhell, 1998-2012. The games featured on this site are copyright the companies who made them and the webmaster is in no way affiliated with these companies or games. All original work on this site, however--guides, reviews, fanfiction, etc--is copyright its author and may not be posted without the author's permission; refer to the recent Supreme Court decision about electronic publishing of news articles without the journalist's consent. If you would like to use material from this site, please contact the author of the material in question. |